wechatarticles.ArticlesAPI 源代码

# coding: utf-8

from .ArticlesUrls import PublicAccountsWeb
from .ArticlesInfo import ArticlesInfo

[文档]class ArticlesAPI(object): """ 整合PublicAccountsWeb和ArticlesInfo,该API慎用,不再维护 """ def __init__( self, username=None, password=None, official_cookie=None, token=None, appmsg_token=None, wechat_cookie=None, outfile=None, ): """ 初始化参数 Parameters ---------- username: str 用户账号 password: str 用户密码 official_cookie : str 登录微信公众号平台之后获取的cookie token : str 登录微信公众号平台之后获取的token wechat_cookie: str 点开微信公众号文章抓包工具获取的cookie appmsg_token: str 点开微信公众号文章抓包工具获取的appmsg_token """ # 两种登录方式, 扫码登录和手动输入登录 if (token != None) and (official_cookie != None): self.official = PublicAccountsWeb(cookie=official_cookie, token=token) elif (username != None) and (password != None): self.official = PublicAccountsWeb(username=username, password=password) else: raise SystemError("please check your params") # 支持两种方式, mitmproxy自动获取参数和手动获取参数 if (appmsg_token == None) and (wechat_cookie == None) and (outfile != None): raise SystemError("Not support this method") elif (appmsg_token != None) and (wechat_cookie != None): self.appmsg_token, self.cookie = appmsg_token, wechat_cookie else: raise SystemError("please check your params") self.wechat = ArticlesInfo(self.appmsg_token, self.cookie)
[文档] def complete_info(self, nickname, begin=0, count=5): """ 获取公众号的抓取的文章文章信息 Parameters ---------- nickname: str 公众号名称 begin: str or int 起始爬取的页数 count: str or int 每次爬取的数量,1-5 Returns ------- list: 由每个文章信息构成的数组:: [ { 'aid': '2650949647_1', 'appmsgid': 2650949647, 'comments': 文章评论信息 { "base_resp": { "errmsg": "ok", "ret": 0 }, "elected_comment": [ { "content": 用户评论文字, "content_id": "6846263421277569047", "create_time": 1520098511, "id": 3, "is_from_friend": 0, "is_from_me": 0, "is_top": 0, 是否被置顶 "like_id": 10001, "like_num": 3, "like_status": 0, "logo_url": "http://wx.qlogo.cn/mmhead/OibRNdtlJdkFLMHYLMR92Lvq0PicDpJpbnaicP3Z6kVcCicLPVjCWbAA9w/132", "my_id": 23, "nick_name": 评论用户的名字, "reply": { "reply_list": [ ] } } ], "elected_comment_total_cnt": 3, 评论总数 "enabled": 1, "friend_comment": [ ], "is_fans": 1, "logo_url": "http://wx.qlogo.cn/mmhead/Q3auHgzwzM6GAic0FAHOu9Gtv5lEu5kUqO6y6EjEFjAhuhUNIS7Y2AQ/132", "my_comment": [ ], "nick_name": 当前用户名, "only_fans_can_comment": false }, 'cover': 封面的url'digest': 文章摘要, 'itemidx': 1, 'like_num': 18, 文章点赞数 'link': 文章的url, 'read_num': 610, 文章阅读数 'title': 文章标题, 'update_time': 更新文章的时间戳 }, ] 如果list为空则说明没有相关文章 """ # 获取文章数据 article_data = self.official.articles( nickname, begin=str(begin), count=str(count) ) # 提取每个文章的url,获取文章的点赞、阅读、评论信息,并加入到原来的json中 for data in article_data: article_url = data["link"] comments = self.wechat.comments(article_url) read_like_nums = self.wechat.read_like_nums(article_url) data["comments"] = comments data["read_num"], data["like_num"], data["old_like_num"] = read_like_nums return article_data
def __extract_info(self, articles_data): # 提取每个文章的url,获取文章的点赞、阅读、评论信息,并加入到原来的json中 for data in articles_data: article_url = data["link"] comments = self.wechat.comments(article_url) read_like_nums = self.wechat.read_like_nums(article_url) data["comments"] = comments data["read_num"], data["like_num"], data["old_like_num"] = read_like_nums return articles_data
[文档] def continue_info(self, nickname, begin=0): """ 自动获取公众号的抓取的文章文章信息,直到爬取失败为止 Parameters ---------- nickname: str 公众号名称 begin: str or int 起始爬取的页数 Returns ------- list: 由每个文章信息构成的数组:: [ { 'aid': '2650949647_1', 'appmsgid': 2650949647, 'comments': 文章评论信息 { "base_resp": { "errmsg": "ok", "ret": 0 }, "elected_comment": [ { "content": 用户评论文字, "content_id": "6846263421277569047", "create_time": 1520098511, "id": 3, "is_from_friend": 0, "is_from_me": 0, "is_top": 0, 是否被置顶 "like_id": 10001, "like_num": 3, "like_status": 0, "logo_url": "http://wx.qlogo.cn/mmhead/OibRNdtlJdkFLMHYLMR92Lvq0PicDpJpbnaicP3Z6kVcCicLPVjCWbAA9w/132", "my_id": 23, "nick_name": 评论用户的名字, "reply": { "reply_list": [ ] } } ], "elected_comment_total_cnt": 3, 评论总数 "enabled": 1, "friend_comment": [ ], "is_fans": 1, "logo_url": "http://wx.qlogo.cn/mmhead/Q3auHgzwzM6GAic0FAHOu9Gtv5lEu5kUqO6y6EjEFjAhuhUNIS7Y2AQ/132", "my_comment": [ ], "nick_name": 当前用户名, "only_fans_can_comment": false }, 'cover': 封面的url'digest': 文章摘要, 'itemidx': 1, 'like_num': 18, 文章点赞数 'link': 文章的url, 'read_num': 610, 文章阅读数 'title': 文章标题, 'update_time': 更新文章的时间戳 }, ] 如果list为空则说明没有相关文章 """ article_datas = [] count = 5 while True: try: # 获取文章数据 article_datas.append( self.official.articles(nickname, begin=str(begin), count=str(count)) ) except Exception as e: print(e) break begin += count if begin > 40: break def flatten(x): return [y for l in x for y in flatten(l)] if type(x) is list else [x] # flatten = lambda x: [y for l in x for y in flatten(l)] if type(x) is list else [x] print("第{}篇文章爬取失败,请过段时间再次尝试或换个帐号继续爬取".format(begin)) return self.__extract_info(flatten(article_datas))